
the edge of my bed

Do you ever find yourself trying to go to sleep and you toss and turn, fidget, wiggle and sigh? I do. Quite frequently. You get to the point where you try to think about nothing at all in an effort to lull yourself off to sleep. It never works. I fail at it every time and today for the 2nd time I find myself unable to sleep. The first was at 4am this morning, I woke up after only 3 hours of sleep ready for the day to begin...Please! Not even the early bird is trying to catch the worm that early. I tried to get myself back to sleep by daydreaming about my future, after a half an hour of mindless wander I realized sleep wasn't coming. I hopped out of bed grabbed my trusty laptop and joined the rest of the sleepless world on the internet. Again tonight I find myself unable to sleep...whats a girl to do?! I don't have a man in my bed to keep me occupied, I finished my latest book this afternoon...this leaves the internet! I decided that if I can find things to do on the internet to keep me busy and at least a little amused then I had better share them with you!

Of course I spend at least a minute checking my facebook, gotta see if my "friends" had anything to say!

 Then I move on to two of my favorite giggle sites. They always illicit at least one laugh and tons of smiles from me.

After I finish reading the newest posts or I spend some time reading random ones I then switch to checking my blog which leads me here. Depending on my mood I will check my stats, read some posts or even write something new that I can post on here.

If I am still bored I have several directions that I can go, if I have new pictures that havent been edited I go straight to Picnik.com where I can spend hours on end playing with photos. If Im not in a photogenic mood I move to Netflix.com or cwtv.com both of which allow me to watch as much tv as I could possibly want, which isnt too much. Im not much of a television watcher. But I do really enjoy movies.

Here is a list of random sites that keep me busy in times of extreme boredom!

Thoughtcatalog.com (LOVE THIS SITE!)
Pandora.com (always playing in the background)

Well hopefully I can go to sleep now! Wish me luck!

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