
im a freaking superhero, I eat zombies for breakfast

Im pretty sure that I could never forgive for what was done to me but all I can do is get over it. I mean really what is the point of having revenge? All that causes is more strife. What I really hope will happen is that they will feel bad for what they did. Get even? no. Get real. Life fucking sucks, live with the consequences. Im still alive, Im still here and Im still kickin. That is all that matters. Im no Alice in Wonderland, Cheshire wont lead me astray. Im so freaking superhero I eat zombies for breakfast. Thats all that matters, that i give enough of a fuck to keep going. And guess what? Im happy. I love my life. Its a party every day, whether I am coloring or dancing to ring around the rosie with my girls or Im downing a bottle of Whiskey with a few close friends. I like to have sex in the middle of the night and wake up to the feel of a man next to me. I love to get kissed on the forehead and be someones all. I have ideas and Im important. I want to be a girlfriend and I want to be a mother. All of the rest is just the in-between behind the scene part of life that no one gets to see or even cares about, its a tumble down the rabbit hole in slow motion. Behind the curtain of my life is one of the greatest shows on earth because it is my show. It is a gut wrenching, tear inducing nerd fest of fun and games. Im pretty sure that I could never forgive but maybe I will forget because this right here is the climax of a scene. Im a freaking superhero, I eat zombies for breakfast and i belong on the big screen. Get real. They say women today have more choices than the life I have chosen and perhaps I will get to try some of those out. But all I want is someone to hold me close, someone to wake me up with a kiss and some fast and furious sex. You want a way to wake up happy? Stop caring. Keep caring. Care about yourself and others but stop caring about what they think. Live with the consequences and deal with them, make more paths that will lead to more doors. Open one, shut one, leave a crack. Lock it behind you and throw away the key. Its all an experience, oak, ash, screen and glass. Its a door that you have to get through. Drink it and get smaller, but you cant find the key, eat it and get larger but you wont fit through the door. Stuck in a room, round with doors that you cant seem to flee. What makes you an individual is how you get free. Do you really need a white rabbit with a clock to help you reach the end of your journey? Or can you do it on your own? I mean after all, you are a freaking superhero, who else eats zombies for breakfast? Mix them with your oatmeal, infect a batch of pancakes, dribble some kryptonite on top and enjoy. No strife, no eye for an eye. Live with the way you feel because you fucked me over and I fucked me over. I have no reason to blame you because I made a choice. Now I have happiness, i found a key under the doormat, Alice did you look there? I opened the door and there was no garden, there was a controller and a t.v. and new game to start a new toy to play. All i can do is lead my players to an ultimate victory or respawn into my next rpg destiny. No need to forgive, if you want you can forget but life is fucking life and there is no reason to live it with regret.

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