
roomie christmas

My lovely roommates and I celebrated Christmas tonight and it was simply magical! We opened the night at 9 pm by kicking everyone out of the apartment but those that lived there. I am pretty sure this was the first time we were all together in the apartment since the day we all moved in.

   To get into the Christmas spirit we went around to each person and had them pick their favorite Christmas song and then we sang it. SO much fun! We all got into Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer and sang all of the tag along lines with hand movements until we were rolling on the floor laughing.
   After singing all of our songs we opened all of the gifts that we had each gotten eachother. They were so cute! Chelsie made us all flower headbands. I LOVE mine :)

Karina fashioned our names and framed them for our rooms, they are so amazing :)
Sydney got us all journals that reflect our personalities perfectly :)
Jennifer found necklaces and these super fun light up balls with smiley faces, I named mine skeeze-ball :)
Emily presented us with Christmas lotions and these super cute glittery ornaments, mine is silver and so fun! :)
I made them cards that say "May the spirit of Christmas warm your heart. As for the rest of you... I can take care of that!" and then I got them knee high socks and matching gloves :)

We had such a blast with it all! I positively love my roommates and I love Christmas!!!
Jennifer, Emily, Sydney, Me, Karina and Chelsie

We act like this in real life :) I love us

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