
birthday wishes

We held the 20th birthday celebrations for my dear friends, Shari, Tia and Suzy. What a blast! We got the group together for fun and laughter. Im so proud of these girls and I positively love the people we hang out with! I couldn't live without them. So Happy Birthday Girls! Love ya!

Kent and Camille

Jeremy and Robert

Kent and Shari

Sariah and Ten, so stinkin Cute!!!

Keith, Kristalyn, Camille and Sidney

Tia, Shari, Haven and Hadley

Most of the Group, Kristalyn, me, Sariah, Ten, Keith Camille, Sidney,
Hadley, Suzy, Robert, Mitch, Jeremy, Kent, Shari, Tia, Emily and Haven
The Cake, I tried for Sunflower themed

Kent, Me and Suzy, Kent is such a Creeper!!!

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